Tuesday 20 October 2009

This is the progress so far. The mapping of the letters is quite time consuming. But hopefully the outcome will be worth it.

Sunday 18 October 2009

Started to make my letters this weekend. I didn't realize how bigger job it's going to be. I think i've listed over 50 buildings and i've only written 5 letters so far.. something tells me that this is going to be a long night.. however I do have a week to do this, so maybe I'm thinking too much about this. I'm glad with the project so far, as I haven't complicated my ideas too much. I have this nack of mixing too many ideas together and then making the final outcome somewhat confusing. so fingers cross that this outcome will look good. :)

Friday 16 October 2009

Ao Paper ......?

Ok, today i've just been wandering around Camberwell trying to know my surroundings, I felt if I wanted to carry this idea further, I needed to get characteristics from each object/house/building to right about. Walking around the estates were a bit dodgy, everyone kept staring at me, I felt like I was in some vampire movie, where vampires couldn't go out during the day but at night time unleash themselves and create havoc...best not to go out at night time drawing my map.

When I was going around S.E.5, I felt I didn't need to put every single detail into the map as there would probably be no room and no time to do it, I just thought the best thing was pick out special things in and around the streets and not be so anal about getting the measurements right.


Thursday 15 October 2009

Yes! I have stumbled over a brilliant idea, I was randomly looking over this website Booooooomed.com and came across this blog by Micheal Crowe and Lenka "Mysterious Letters". They apparently posted over 460 individual hand written letters to these people in a village, Just for fun, each with a unique message, most completely random, but still making headline news on the BBC. I thought to myself "hey i could use this idea". I was thinking of using this concept and make letters for my personal use, mapping out Camberwell (S.E.5) with each letter representing a house,cafe, object etc that had interested me in my walk around the place.

I could then fold up the letters into shapes of the buildings/objects. (I may need to research folding as origami is not my fortai I 'll try it out and see how it goes. I could use different materials instead of just plain paper.. graph, pattern, postcards, post it notes, tracing paper, card etc...


Right, i have officially started on my map.. well wrote something on it, like ideas and research. :)
this first official solo project is all about mapping, especially the mapping of Camberwell, " A visual representation of a place and its dynamics on a plane surface by means of linkage".. I've brainstormed a few ideas. one i need a sunny day for, fingers crossed for thursday!!

My ideas are leading to the more communal aspect of Camberwell, not how or where people sociallize but how many people walk and go to places. S.E.5 is our boundry, so not too much work however we do have this enourmous A0 sheet of paper to fill up, so no pressure.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


We finished it of by sticking the map onto the back of the booklet and used some good old fashion cello tape to stick it together. I think the outcome was really good.

When making the product we went into the library and ask very nicely whether we could put some special paper into the photocopier, and first the librarian said no but we persuaded her in the end.

We developed on the idea more and made a more of an interactive booklet where people can write in it and set out the plan for the next two weeks.

We decided to go on the theme of a little booklet, the brief was to map out and design something that would help out a new student in Camberwell, we went round observing and making notes of different things around the building.

Orientation we re put into groups of five that we chose, it was weird because I don’t really know anyone at the moment so none of us no how we work. Personally I think this project would have worked a lot better towards the end of term, that way we can choose people who are more suitable and have a lot in common with the style of work. However the group was really good I think we worked well together, but we didn’t set on idea because some people in the group didn’t agree to certain ideas. So by the end of the two weeks we only managed to do our idea last minute.